Monday 27 May 2013

Video Testing - Walk around [50.1 PMMA (1)]

I am committed to testing a using all the optics which I make to really explore their full capabilities. This test is using my first ever prototype the Alexica. 50.1 PMMA (1) singlet lens. I removed the optic from it's original black nylon housing and secured it into the higher precision aluminium housing which I had spare from the second round of prototyping. This means the lens can now be mounted on Nikon bodies as well as Canons.

Below is my first video test. It was a nice day so I took the opportunity to walk around my city and take a few sample shots of what it's like here. I used a mix of aperture discs ranging from 2.8 through to 16 to alter the effect of spherical aberrations creeping in from the edges. I preferred to use wider apertures like 2.8 and 4 for macro shots where the subject was often centred, and narrower apertures like 8 and 16 for landscape shots. That said, I did experiment with different effects to show how the lens performs in different scenarios.

Camera: Canon 5D Mark II (Full Frame - shot at 1080p)
Lens: Alexica 50.1 PMMA (1)

Sorry for the shaky footage, this was all taken hand held, no tripod, with manual push pull focusing.