Sunday 23 February 2014

Concept Development - Final Concept Drawings

At this stage I am just about to move into finalisation of my design. With my concept finished and presented, the only thing left that is required of me is to present a set of basic technical drawings. Usually these are excruciatingly complicated diagrams filled with dimensions, notes, tollerencing, and other manufacturing details. However at this stage, there is nothing to gain from going over board on the details, especially as they are almost certainly going to be adjusted in the coming weeks. Therefore I have created a set of 10 drawings which show: an exploded assembly drawing, a basic orthographic layout, a layout showing the body opened, a 2:1 scale front on diagram highlighting key external measurements, alongside a set of progressively deeper cross sections to demonstrate how the components are layered up inside the body. I haven't included dimensions for all the internal parts; they fit, we can see they fit, it's nothing to worry about right now. In a couple of weeks when I have to develop my final working drawings, each component will be taken out and dimensioned separately. Doing that at this stage would be time consuming and uninformative. What is informative however, are the selection of notes on each drawing, highlighting key components and how the integrate into the body.