Friday 28 February 2014

SeymourPowell Competition - Project Brief

In mid February my major project reached an important milestone. With the core aspects of the design finished, and technicalities worked out and specified as far as possible, the entire project was presented for approval before moving on to finalisation.

Having reached this milestone we were afforded a short break to work on the plethora of other projects we have going on, one of which being a 2 week design competition being run by one of the UK's leading design consultancies, SeymourPowell. 18 final year product design students from De Montfort university worked independently on a set brief, with the prospect of job interviews for the top 3 designers to be awarded at the end.

You might not know it, but SeymourPowell are the designers behind many products you use everyday.

We were given a choice of two briefs, both orientated towards designing a camera. One brief was focused on styling while the other was focused on format innovation. The description of the project was bang in line with my major degree work, in fact had it been possible to enter it, my design would have been a perfect answer to the brief. However, given the project is effectively a 2 week long job interview where I have the opportunity not only to give them a good design but show them how I work and the thought process I use, I decided to work on another brand new camera design. To do this I went back to my major research and treated it asif I had to start my concept development all over again. Clear head, forget about the camera I've already designed, try to come up with a perfect answer... again.